Lehrstuhl für Mechanische Verfahrenstechnik (MVT)

Current aerosol research related to COVID 19

Investigation of the aerosol spreading in rooms


Development of low cost sensors for aerosol spread monitoring

Development of the low cost sensors for aerosol spread monitoring, Project supported by VW foundation.


Application of Artificial Intelligence Methods

Indoor infection risk assessment through data evaluation of low-cost aerosol sensors using AI methods, Project supported by Ministry of Science, Education and Culture, Rhineland-Palatinate


Current Publications about deposition efficiency of fine aerosol particles in filter media and face masks

  • Stoll, D., Kerner, M., Paas, S., Antonyuk, S.: Suitability of Low-Cost Sensors for Submicron Aerosol Particle Measurement, Applied System Innovation 6 (2023) 69, https://doi.org/10.3390/asi6040069
  • Antonyuk, S., Kerner, M., Misiulia, D., Study of a test air ventilation system for reducing aerosol dispersion in classrooms installed at the Otto-Hahn-Gymnasium in Landau, F&SFiltration and Separation (International Edition) (2022), 38-42.
  • Antonyuk, S., Kerner, M., Misiulia, D.: Untersuchung einer Testabluftanlage zur Reduzierung der Aerosolausbreitung in Schulräumen, F&S Filtrieren und Separieren 03 (2021).
  • Ripperger, S; Antonyuk, S: Partikelfiltrierende Halbmasken – Stand der Technik und Untersuchungs-ergebnisse, Filtrieren und Separieren 2 (2020).
  • Kerner, M.; Schmidt, K.; Schumacher, S.; Asbach, C.; Antonyuk, S.: Electret filters – From the influence of discharging methods to optimization potential. Atmosphere 12 (2021) 1, 65.
  • Kerner, M., Schmidt, K., Schumacher, S., Asbach, C., Antonyuk, S.: Ageing of electret filter media due to deposition of submicron particles - experimental and numerical investigations, Sep. Purif. Technol. 251 (2020) 117299.
  • Kerner, M., Schmidt, K., Schumacher, S., Puderbach, V., Asbach, C., Antonyuk, S.: Evaluation of electrostatic properties of electret filters for aerosol deposition, Sep. Purif. Technol. 239 (2020) 116548
  • Kerner, M., Schmidt, K., Hellmann, A., Schumacher, S., Pitz, M., Asbach, C., Ripperger, S., Antonyuk, S.: Numerical and experimental study of submicron aerosol deposition in electret microfiber nonwovens, J. Aerosol Sci. 122 (2018), 32-44.
  • Schumacher S., Jasti R:, Kerner M., Antonyuk S., Asbach C.: Ursachenanalyse zum Einfluss des Prüfaerosols auf die Abscheideeffizienz von Elektretfiltern. Gefahrstoffe- Reinhaltung der Luft 11-12/20 (2019) 6, 435-442.
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